My Favorite Books

  • The Purpose Driven Life
  • Maximize the Moment
  • Do You
  • Act Like A lady Think Like A Man

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Alone Season

I haven't written a blog in a while. Actually I started a new blog based on where I am in my life right now. God has really been wrecking me in regards to trusting him completely. I have always had Faith but there were some areas where I still believed I had to step in and help God out.

Last year was a rough year for me. I was laid off from my job, I lost my home to foreclosure and people were removed from my life that I thought would always be there. I didn't like the dark place I felt like I was in. God spoke to me and said that I had to strip all those worldly things away from you. I want you to draw closer to me. Those things are temporary but my love is eternal.

I didnt understand it at first. I felt depressed and isolated but the more I mediated on his word, i felt more at peace. I can be content with being by myself. I dont need a big crowd surrounding me of people who don't mean me any good. I am using this time to develop myself spiritually. Isolation is not always a bad thing. Yes you do need healthy relationships with others but your first project should be yourself. Use the time to find out what God's purpose is for your life. I used to think that I had to be a part of certain things to feel like i belonged. I am allowing God to direct me in regards to my purpose.

For anyone who is struggling in his or her alone season. Don't run away from it. Draw closer to God and allow him to work through you. Don't allow people in who may not be good for you just so you don't feel alone. A good support system is essential in helping you during this time. I encourage anyone who doesn't have a church home to find one. You need that support and fellowship with others. They are there to pray with you and encourage you. Also don't give up on yourself. It will take time to heal in the areas where God is working on you. Faith and prayer is essential to getting through those rough patches. I wanted to share this to help someone who may be in his or her season of loneliness. Take the time to develop yourself and stay planted in God's word.